交換掲示板(ツール機能完備) | 雑談掲示板 |
レイドバトル募集掲示板 | メタモン交換掲示板 |
色違い報告掲示板 | 鬼退治フェス募集掲示板 |
ブルレクマルチ募集掲示板 | - |
日本語 | 英語 |
出:日本メタモン 求:海外メタモン |
FT: Japanese Ditto LF: Foreign Ditto |
日本語 | 英語 |
メタモン | Ditto |
海外メタモン | Foreign Ditto |
日本メタモン | Japanese Ditto |
色違い | Shiny |
6個体値 | 6IV |
LT: Japanese Ditto 6v FT: Foreign Ditto 6v code 1863 1265
thank you~
Ok. I'm going now.
yes i have two 5IV ditto
How many 5lV ditto?? Can you trade for the second time?
code 14324567
okok. what code number??
i also hane japanese 5IV ditto(not modest), Would you like to exchange two of them?
FT: KOR Ditto 5lV (Modest) KOR Ditto 5lV KOR Ditto 5lV LF: 5lV (Modest)= Non kor 5lV (Modest) 2 ditto is non kor anything.
FT: Japanese Ditto 5lv LF: Foreign Ditto 5lv code 1357 2468
LF: Foreign Ditto 6v FT: Japanese Ditto 6v ※I dont need shiny I can also trade more than one. code14324567
Thank you~
yes lets trade
Can you trade now? I have Kor Ditto 6lV
LT: Foreign Ditto 6v FT: Japanese Ditto 6v ※I dont need shiny I can also trade more than one. code14324567
thanks ~ have a nice day
but i cant found you
wait for me i turn on
FT: FRE Ditto 6IV Shiny (Adamant) KOR Ditto 6lV (Lax) KOR Ditto 5lV (Modest) KOR Ditto 5lV (Naive) KOR Ditto 5lV (Relaxed) KOR Ditto 5lV (Rash) LF: Non Kor, Fre Ditto 6IV Shiny (Adamant, Brave, Modest, Jolly. One of these) Not Shiny Ditto non kor 6lV anything. 5lV (Modest)= Non kor 5lV (Modest) The rest of the 5lVs can trade anything.(Only modest)
code 08290829?
no problem
lets trade
OK it now
出:日本メタモン 求:海外メタモン FT: Japanese Ditto 5lv LF: Foreign Ditto 5lv code 52525252
i have japanese 6IV ditto . trade ok?
©2022 Pokémon. ©1995-2022 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
trade ok?