交換掲示板(ツール機能完備) | 雑談掲示板 |
レイドバトル募集掲示板 | メタモン交換掲示板 |
色違い報告掲示板 | 鬼退治フェス募集掲示板 |
ブルレクマルチ募集掲示板 | - |
日本語 | 英語 |
出:日本メタモン 求:海外メタモン |
FT: Japanese Ditto LF: Foreign Ditto |
日本語 | 英語 |
メタモン | Ditto |
海外メタモン | Foreign Ditto |
日本メタモン | Japanese Ditto |
色違い | Shiny |
6個体値 | 6IV |
end ☺️
FT:Japanese Ditto 6IV LF:Foreign Ditto 6IV pw:2014 4289 tn:アオイ
i'll be waiting in pass room
Thank you!
FT:Japanese Ditto5IV LF: Foreign Ditto5IV pw2225 8886
FT(me): foreign Ditto 6v orJPN Ditto 6V LF(you): JPN Miraidon or foreign Miraidon JPN Koraidon or foreign Koraidon Pass 11338946
LF:Foreign F A0 Ditto FT:JP A0 Ditto
FT:Japanese Ditto5IV LF: Foreign Ditto5IV Code25250719
FT: Japanese Ditto5IV LF: Foreign Ditto5IV 14796325
doreign Ditto ok
FT(me): foreign Ditto 6v orJPN Ditto 6V LF(you): JPN Miraidon or foreign Miraidon JPN Koraidon or foreign Koraidon Pass 11338946
FT:Japanese Ditto5IV LF: Foreign Ditto5IV 25251202
FT: Japanese Ditto LF: Foreign Ditto 0987 7890
FT: Japanese Ditto6lv LF: Foreign Ditto6lv
FT: Japanese Ditto6lv LF: Foreign Ditto6lv 11002299
LF(you) : JPN 6V ditto FT(me) : ENG 6V ditto Code : 6000 6000
I want foreign Ditto 6IV I'll send you JPN Miraidon, would you like to exchange it?
LF(you) : JPN 6V ditto FT(me) : KOR 6V ditto Code : 6000 6000
FT(me): foreign Ditto 6v orJPN Ditto 6V LF(you): JPN Miraidon or foreign Miraidon JPN Koraidon or foreign Koraidon Pass 11338946
LF: foreign Ditto 6v FT: JPA Ditto 6v Pass 31776023
have a JPA Ditto 6v
LF: foreign Ditto 6v FT: JPA Ditto 6v Pass 66682462
FT Korean 5IV ditto LF foreign 5IV ditto 00008125
出:テツノ○○(未来種) 求:海外産メタモン ブジンのみタイマー それ以外はハイパーボールです
LF Foreign Ditto 6IVorA0orS0orC0 FT Japanese Ditto 6IV 04550455 TN D〇〇
LF: Foreign Ditto 5IV, except Attack FT: Japanese Ditto 5IV, except Attack Code: 00569237
FT: Japanese Ditto6lv LF: Foreign Ditto6lv 6666 5555
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