交換掲示板(ツール機能完備) | 雑談掲示板 |
レイドバトル募集掲示板 | メタモン交換掲示板 |
色違い報告掲示板 | 鬼退治フェス募集掲示板 |
ブルレクマルチ募集掲示板 | - |
日本語 | 英語 |
出:日本メタモン 求:海外メタモン |
FT: Japanese Ditto LF: Foreign Ditto |
日本語 | 英語 |
メタモン | Ditto |
海外メタモン | Foreign Ditto |
日本メタモン | Japanese Ditto |
色違い | Shiny |
6個体値 | 6IV |
FT: Foreign Ditto 6IV LF: Japanese Ditto 6IV 出:海外メタモン 6V 求:日本メタモン 6V 23467891
FT: 6IV Brave / Calm / Careful / Relaxed - ENG LF: 6IV Bashful / Docile / Hardy / Serious - Any region 1 = 1 Ditto Must be in a pokeball and caught on 4/07-4/09 thanks!
FT: 6IV ENG Ditto LF: 6 IV Non-ENG Ditto Code: 95423610
FT: 6IV Ditto English LF: 6IV Ditto non-English code 4721 8697
求: 6V 英語圏以外のメタモン 出: 6V 英語圏メタモン 5555 3614
FT: united states Ditto 6iv LF: Foreign Ditto 6lv code 3335 3335
LF: Foreign Ditto 6lv code 3335 3335
交換出来ました! ありがとうございます😊
FT: Japanese Ditto 6lv LF: Foreign Ditto 6lv code 1120 1120
LF: Foreign Shiny 6iv Ditto ? Please ohh please, i am fed up looking 🥲🥲🥲
出:A05Vメタモン 求:S05Vメタモン FT:A05V ditto LF:S05V ditto
LF SHINY non-ENG 6IV Ditto FT these two Dittos. one is 6IV (ENG) and the other 5IV 0A (KOR) SHINY Ditto. I give you two for one. I first give the 6IV one for anything, then the 5IV Shiny one for your Shiny 6IV non-ENG Ditto. Please post a photo :)
FT: 6IV Brave / Calm / Careful / Relaxed - ENG LF: 6IV Bashful / Docile / Hardy / Serious - Any region 1 = 1 Ditto Must be in a pokeball and caught on 4/07-4/09 thanks!
Let's change it!
FT: Japanese Ditto 6IV LF: Foreign Ditto 6IV 出:日本メタモン 6V むじゃき 求:海外メタモン 6V Pass 1717 1709
FT: Foreign Ditto 5IV LF: Japanese Ditto 5IV Impish 出:海外メタモン 5V 求:日本メタモン 5V わんぱく 0007 8462
FT:Korean Ditto 6v LF:Non Korean Ditto 6v Password:1589 3257
FT: Eng Ditto 6IV LF: Foreign Ditto 6IV (Timid) (Adamant) (Jolly) (Modest) 出:Eng メタモン 6V 求:海外メタモン 6V (おくびょう) (いじっぱり) (ようき) (ひかえめ) Code: 2580 1470
FT: English Ditto 6IV Adamant LF: Non-English Ditto 5IV 0 Speed IVs Quiet 出:海外メタモン 6V ようき 求:日本メタモン 5V S0 れいせい 7471 1747
求 海外産メタモンA05V 出 日本産メタモンA05V
I have CHT 6V, want to trade?
LF : Non-Korean Ditto 6v FT : Korean Ditto 6v password : 5274 5274
LF SHINY non-ENG 6IV Ditto FT these two Dittos. one is 6IV (ENG) and the other 5IV 0A (KOR) SHINY Ditto. I give you two for one. I first give the 6IV one for anything, then the 5IV Shiny one for your Shiny 6IV non-ENG Ditto. Please post a photo :)
FT: 6IV Brave / Calm / Careful / Relaxed - ENG LF: 6IV Bashful / Docile / Hardy / Serious - Any region 1 = 1 Ditto Must be in a pokeball and caught on 4/07-4/09 thanks!
FT: English 6IV Ditto LF: Japanese 6IV Ditto 出:海外メタモン 6V 求:日本メタモン 6V 0696 9420
FT: JapaneseDitto 5IV, except Attack LF: Ditto 5IV, except Sp. Attack 出 A05V メタモン 求 C05V メタモン 1515 3689
LF: Shiny Ditto 6IV non-Eng TF: Shiny Ditto 6IV Eng 6623 8976
LF: Foreign Ditto 6IV FT:Japanese Ditto 6IV 求:海外産6Vメタモン 出:日本産6Vメタモン code:556345
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thank you very much !